GPE achieves strong levels of customer satisfaction in latest survey

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Great Portland Estates plc (GPE) has today announced it has delivered a leading Net Promoter Score (NPS*) of +26.1 across its portfolio (including all offices and retail), remaining well ahead of the industry benchmark of +13.6. GPE’s office NPS scores have improved year on year, rising to +31.5 (up from +30.2) with Fully Managed offices achieving the strongest score of +48.3.

GPE’s strong NPS reflects customer loyalty, satisfaction, and trust, and is a testament to its Customer First approach. High levels of customer satisfaction have supported GPE’s strong customer retention rate of 88% over the last 12 months for its Fully Managed portfolio, has helped maintain high rent collection levels, securing in excess of 99% of all rents within seven working days, whilst also helping to drive recent leasing successes across the portfolio. Key drivers for this year’s score include the design and quality of GPE’s spaces, strong relationships with its customer experience teams, and effective communication.

* NPS is used to understand customer loyalty, satisfaction, and enthusiasm for a company. NPS is an index ranging from -100 to +100 and measures the willingness of customers to recommend a company’s products or services to others. The survey is carried on behalf of GPE by Real Service.

Customer relationship management and retention are key to our success. We place huge value on these NPS scores because it’s how we value our customer relationships, and our team works incredibly hard to ensure that all our customers receive a best-in-class experience; this year’s scores are reflective of that and we look forward to continuing our strong collaboration with them all.

Rebecca Bradley
Rebecca Bradley
Director of Customer Experience & Relationships